Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm Back

I was away for a while. Lot's of working on the house and costumes for the summer, and I completely forgot to update this thing.

Let's see an update...

Well I have a total of 3 new costumes in my collection now. My favorite and current baby is this fancy little number.

I would be the one on the right there, I hope to get some better pictures of it soon. That there ladies and gentlemen is about 40 yards of fabric, lots of dying time, an almost 50" wig, 9 packs of extentions, 5 months of my time, and a whole lot more. But I am happy to announce that it won 1st place at TnT this year. Mary (my friend on the left) and I planned these bad boys together and entered as a set. What and exciting win for us! For those interested this is what we were going for. I currently only have the front image but I'm sure you get the idea.

So hooray for that! The other costumes aren't nearly as awesome but cute none the less, here they are:
In any case the summer has been busy and fun. Now I am getting back to some knitting sense I have some more spare time. Like my sac boy and my octopursy! I'm really excited about these hopefully they are done soon. I guess that is pretty much all for now.