Sunday, September 20, 2009

I thought house cleaning was done in spring?

Alright so I have been doing alot of rearranging and general cleaning in the house. Making some progress not that you can tell by all the crap piled up in the livingroom. But thats how cleaning works, right? Anywho I have the guestroom all cleared out just need a few more things to put up in it... it just seems so barren. I have a lot of wall art to hang just need frames... it's always something isn't it. =(

Anywho in major progress in the craft room I painted the bare concrete floor black, which looks lovely with the orange! Waited forever for it to dry, hopefully it isn't still tacky today. Also last night I bought some bins, these will be my cosplay progress bins. This will help me to hopefully not start to many costumes at once as there is only room for 6 bins, and also to help me not loose parts of my costumes while they are in progress. I have a new costume rack number that is currently in the garage, I am still unsure as to if I will leave it out there or bring it inside... I just don't know where I would put it if it was in here.

And finally my what I need to get done before Izumicon list:
  1. fix up Yuuko's wigs
  2. put the collar on shop Yuuko
  3. paint shop Yuuko
  4. add some snaps to shop Yuuko's obi
  5. make Buttercups mallet
  6. do some altering to Buttercups outfit
  7. finish the insides of the PPGZ compacts
  8. make Izusu Rin's school uniform

I think that is everything I could be wrong, if so I will edit later... Well off to finish cleaning so I can get to work on all of this!

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